First Time Homeowner Loan

What’s a First Time Homeowner Loan?

First time homeowner loans (also known as first time homebuyer loans) are designed to help people become homeowners and focus on specific geographic areas. Programs such as these provide financial assistance to qualified buyers targeted towards individuals who have never owned a home. Some organizations will offer assistance to people who have owned before, as long as they have not owned within the last several years.


years old is the average age of the first time homebuyer in the US, and they earn a household income of $75,000. The average home purchased costs $190,000, for which they usually put in a 5% down payment.

Nov 2017


For Qaulified Borrowers

  • Small Downpayment
  • Subsidized Interest Charges
  • Allows use of Grants
  • Help with fees
  • Adjustable or Fixed Rate Options

Eligible Properties

  • A family home / owner occupied
  • A condominium unit
  • A manufactured housing unit built on a permanent foundation

First Time Homeowner Loans are being made available in: New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia

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